I'll be doing a "Quickies 6: In the Studio" panel-type thing at SXSW on Saturday, March 20th, 11:00 AM, at the Austin Convention Center, Room 16A. I think you have to sign up for this, so check their website for more info. It'd be cool to meet some Tape Op readers at this. Also, to all subscribers: keep an eye on your inbox this week for a special invite...
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
Seems like it's Sylvia Massy week over here at Tape Op! Here is another cool session trailer from Mix With The Masters where Sylvia records the Melvins!
Tape Op contributor Allen Farmelo has written a fairly in-depth post regarding his processes for capturing and processing sounds on his wonderful blog. Check it out. I bet even some experienced engineers will take note of some of the ideas Allen puts...
I just read an excellent new essay called The Case Against Free in which the author suggests that the "free economy" is drying up the economic resources needed to make quality creative works. The article focuses on recordings. It's a well...
My pal Howard Bilerman of Hotel2Tango studios in Montreal is hosting and interviewing for this excellent event. It's in conjunction with the fantastic PopMontreal music fest. OCTOBER 2nd, 4:30pm. The secret you get here is that "the following day,...
James Beaudreau is a former member of the Billy Nayer Show (1998-2003) and started Workbench Recordings - a netlabel, blog, and recording studio in NYC. They release one track every Tuesday along with artwork and texts about the creative process,...
Ina previous blog post, we saw the beginnings of this project. Damian Wagner was in issue 64 - here's a crazy project where he's amplifying the sound of the earth! "After destroying 3 subwoofers and having to completely redesign the
playback engine I...
I'm posting this for John as he's finishing up the next issue of Tape Op. -LC
John Baccigaluppi's 2008 AES Surf Report This year's AES show in San Francisco was a lot of fun. The day before the show, I drove with our UK publisher Al Lawson and his...
I pulled short straw and had to go pick up the take out tonight (take away for our UK readers). The radio was set to NPR, so I let it alone. The announcer introduced a new segment called “Listen to This,” that features famous musicians...