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Tape Op Staff Favorite Albums of 2022
by Geoff Stanfield
Hard to believe that 2022 is already coming to a close. As was true in 2021, it was obvious that as the world was on lock down, artists were busy using their time to be creative and the result was an incredible amount of fantastic releases across...
Larry was in a band? The Wackness?
by Larry Crane
Yup. From 1985 to 1993 I was in a band with the polite name of Vomit Launch. One of our songs, "Exit Lines" is in a movie called "The Wackness", in theaters now. A pretty damn good movie, and our song fits the scene too well! Most of our back catalog...
Arooj Aftab Releases New Album, Night Reign
by Geoff Stanfield
Arooj Aftab's Night Reign Arooj Aftab is a four time Grammy-nominated artist we featured in Tape Op issue #157. With Pakistani roots, she sings in Urdu and English, and became one of my favorite vocalists the moment I saw her performing on a live...
Phonograph Cylinders - Better than the MP3?
by Larry Crane
I was amazed today to be informed that phonograph cylinders are still being manufactured. Madame Pamita dropped us a line a while back and surprised us with some cool music recorded on Cylinders by Peter Dilg, of the Edison Historical Site, and it...
The Hurricane Sandy relief auctions we posted raised over $42,000! THANK YOU!!!
by John Baccigaluppi
A huge thanks to everybody who participated in the Hurricane Sandy relief auctions we posted last week. Thanks to you and our advertisers, Sound Toys, Avenson Audio, Dangerous Music, Placid Audio, and Universal Audio, we raised $42,578...
New Episode of Creative Recording With Tape Op
by Geoff Stanfield
Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss mixing analog vs. in the box vs. a hybrid approach in the latest episode of Creative Recording With Tape Op! This episode is made possible with support from our friends at BURL Audio.
Preparing Your Release For Vinyl
by Geoff Stanfield
Vinyl 101 - Preparing Your Release for Vinyl from Telegraph Mastering on Vimeo.
John Cale releases POPtical Illusion
by Geoff Stanfield
We interviewed John Cale in issue #156 around the time of his previous release, Mercy. He has just released POPtical Illusion, a collection of synth and keyboard heavy tunes that carry a heavy, and at times angry message about the state of the...