I’m still shocked at the passing of Martin Phillips of The Chills. He made a number of songs and albums that truly inspired me and many others. Please check out the interview I did with him in 1997, and listen to his song “Pink Frost” if you’ve never heard his music. You’ll find the beauty and sadness of this song quite fitting. It’s one of many great songs from a great writer. -Larry Crane
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
James Beaudreau is a former member of the Billy Nayer Show (1998-2003) and started Workbench Recordings - a netlabel, blog, and recording studio in NYC. They release one track every Tuesday along with artwork and texts about the creative process,...
There were so many great records released this year, in fact too many to make a definitve and exhaustive list, but here are a few favorites from the Tape Op family. Consider it a tasting menu and have a great holiday! Click link to listen!
"I sent a package to you several months ago containing some music I asked you to evaluate for me. I respect your background and was hoping that you personally might allow for cutting out a spare hour to do me this favor. Since I never heard from you...
Matt Fordham did the great interview with Buddy Miller in Tape Op #34. He also has this great blog, Record Ready, with video tutorials on recording techniques and tips. Many are Pro Tools based, in case you're looking for help in that department. He...
Tape Op Magazine’s founder and editor, Larry Crane, has been mixing songs and albums for people from all over the United States and the world for over 20 years. Many of these sessions are unattended, and here’s a glimpse into his...
This three song EP from Jonathan Wilson and Milton Nascimento was not what I expected. I am a fan of both artists, but Moon Over Minas caught me off guard! It is a reverb-soaked, haunting, and psychedelic listen that leans much more to the sound of...
For his new release, Honey, Caribou's Dan Snaith (Tape Op #35, #105) wears his Detroit techno influences on his sleeve, and uses AI to explore and reimagine vocals as well as manipulate his voice, to create an album of dance tracks that...
I just got an email from a company telling me that I need to buy the new version of a product of theirs - I already own the one that came out several years ago. I guess the $3000 I invested in their hardware wasn't enough, and now I need to buy a new...
Here’s something I don’t think we’ve covered in Tape Op before, but reader Tony Butterworth has created the Home Made Hit Show, where he uploads podcast shows filled with songs from home recordists. Great idea, and it’s nice...