
exclusives from the web

Aug. 31, 2007

Nicolas Collins - Trombone Electronics

by Robert Poss

What exactly is/are "trombone-propelled electronics?" The backwards guitar pieces were fun to watch because of all those "horny guitars" (as my wife dubbed the highly pronged pawnshop specials that...

Jan. 8, 2007

Ed Ackerson

by Eric Furlong

When I found out that I would be moving to Minneapolis, my friend Peter Holmstrom gave me Ed Ackerson's number. He told me Ed was a guy that I would have a lot in common with. In Portland, I had...

Jan. 7, 2007

The Court and Spark

by Jason Warriner

The recording of my interview with Scott Hirsch begins with a swelling synth note that slowly decays into a repeating delay that gradually fades out. This abstract beginning flows well into our...

Dec. 30, 2006

Green Pajamas

by Erik 4-A

For the last 20 years Seattle's Green Pajamas have been cranking out great records. Since their debut album, Summer of Lust, in 1984, to their latest releases of Northern Gothic and Through Glass...

Nov. 30, 2006

Peter King and his one-off vinyl

by Greg Sullivan

About one hour from Christchurch, New Zealand, the small village of Mount Somers is located just before the steep and pristine beginnings of the beautiful Southern Alps. A green, mostly...

Oct. 28, 2006

Lost and Safe with The Books

by Cameron Macdonald

Whenever a rave flyer adorned with hentai-anime lasses, regurgitated-Lifesaver colors and fudged-up vector shapes blows onto my leg, I think of The Books and exhale. The NYC/Massachusetts duo make...

Feb. 15, 2006

Dave Amels

by John Baccigaluppi

I first met Dave Amels of Bomb Factory and Vocé in Nashville at the NAMM show last year. People kept telling me "You need to meet Dave and interview him for Tape Op." We ended up chatting for a...

Nov. 28, 2005

Mastering with John Cuniberti

by Allen Whitman

Would you first give your definition of mastering and why it matters? Mastering is the last creative process in the chain and the final technical check before duplication. Creatively, an artist can...

Nov. 25, 2005

Bob Mould

by Bill Gladfelter

Between 1979 and 1998 Bob Mould put out 14 records with his two amazing bands, Hüsker Dü and Sugar, and five solo records, influencing the course of music with his enraged, swirling guitars...
