IMMORTALIZE YOUR STUDIO PET! Send an appropriately adorable/awesome pic to (so we can give you proper credit, please include: your pet's name, your studio's name, location, and URL!) One studio pet submission will be featured in our monthly Tape Op Newsletter and mailed to all our readers!

NOVEMBER 2013 WINNER! Molly - stalwart studio companion of Peter Mayes - clearly spent
after a long day of mixing on the Neve.
after a long day of mixing on the Neve.

SEPTEMBER 2013 WINNER! "Cat Burd" of the Horseshack in Rock Island, IL at a moment of peak intensity during the session.

August 2013 WINNER! Rory of Rose Rock Recording in Oklahoma City, OK reacts to the low end.

July 2013 Winner! "Darkness" of Station House Studio in Los Angeles, CA

June 2013 Winner! Gitmo of Mother Brain Sound Infrastructure, Evansville, IN
approving the current amp tone.
approving the current amp tone.

May 2013 Winner! "Snuggles" of 2 Degrees Productions burnt out at the edit bay.

April 2013 Winner! "Celeste" of Cauliflower Audio Mastering in Cleveland, OH calibrates the MTR-10.