Our Flavors of Banner Ads

Leaderboard Banners
1940 x 250 — top / mid / footer
640 x 100 — small devices

Skyscraper Banners
600 x 1200 — upper right of pages

Square Banners
600 x 500 — middle right of pages

Hero Feature
3000 x 1500 — feature ads


Banner Ad Pricing

  • Banner advertising is sold at a flat rate of $13 CPM. This means for every 13 bucks* you give us, your banner shows up 1000 times on our site (this is often referred to 1000 "impressions"). *Discounts available for 6X advertisers.
  • Price does not vary with different banner sizes. We do this because it's simpler. Send us your banners in the sizes you'd like them to appear from the list above, and we will distribute them across the impressions you ordered. (Note: we typically recommend sending as many sizes as possible, but really there is no set rule for what works or what doesn't with this — sometimes an ad works best targeting one particular spot, other times the "shotgun" approach works better.)

    Technical Guidelines

    Banner formats: jpeg, gif, png

    Please submit all digital files via email to anthony@tapeop.com, OR via FTP:

    Host: files.tapeop.com
    User ID: tapeopads
    Password: d60pbox

    If you do not have an FTP client, you can download one here:

    Macs — Cyberduck
    PC — FTPX

    Tape Op is not responsible for returning digital media unless otherwise specified.