Whereas King Crimson present ground-breaking and challenging compositions, ProjecKt X is it's alter-ego, living in an alternate reality- in the land of exponential improvisation and discovery, where anything is something that goes someplace else, and so on. The ProjecKt series provide a prime opportunity to hear ideas in the works, and it captures Crim- creationism as it happens, be it from the studio or stage, allowing more angles to hear the group from. In this particular case, Heaven And Earth is comprised of recordings (captured by Ken Latchney and Bill Munyon, mixed by the latter with Pat Mastelotto) made during the rehearsals and making of Crimson's latest effort, The ConstrucKtion Of Light. Heaven And Earth rests upon the Mastelotto-oriented bed of intricate, inventive, percussive programming, while Robert Fripp sweeps the spectrum with his guitar drone-scapes. Interjections of exotic pulses appear through Trey Gunn's Warr guitar and Adrian Belew adjusts the chroma and luma of sound via his guitar. This disc not only acts as a companion to its eventual offspring, but stands on its own as an ambient, dub- tinged experimental monument. Having just returned from a Euro-tour accompanied by ADATs, the Crims are keeping with infinity and another ProjecKt is already coming our way. (Discipline Global Mobile, P.O. Box 6282, Beverly Hills, CA 90209 www.disciplineglobalmobile.com)
Music Reviews | No. 20
Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down CD
by John Baccigaluppi
You don't usually think of blues records and innovative record production in the same thought. Or if you do, you might think of some yucky overproduced album run through Pro Tools like the recent BB...