Many people consider Don Dixon a record producer, but if you've read his interview in the Tape Op book you'd know that he is first and foremost a musician and songwriter. The Invisible Man came out last year and features tracks cut with Mitch Easter at Fidelitorium, and at Compass Point, SPA, Reflection Studios. It's solid songwriting in a similar vein to early Elvis Costello, and the production and playing are first class, of course. Note Pad #38 contains a collection of leftovers and compilation tracks, and is more uneven but charming in that "mix tape" sort of way. Lots of drum machines though. Best cool thing is two songs captured on 8-track in a Nashville hotel room. Now that's the Tape Op spirit! (DAR and
Music Reviews | No. 26
Not on the Menu
by Larry Crane
Hillary Johnson is Tape Op's website designer and an occasional writer, but she's also member (keyboards) and engineer/producer for the Crowns on 45. This NY five piece would sit well on a bill with a...