Dr. Stefan Helmreich recorded the rhythmic sounds of photocopy machines on a Realistic Minisette-20, manipulating the sounds in an Ensoniq EPS 16 Plus. The songs have titles like "Xerox 5828". This record is a trip, and far more interesting than one might imagine, as the copier sounds chug along and layers of different rhythms come in and out. Keeps reminding me of spending eight-hour days photocopying the early Tape Op issues, but as if I was having an acid nightmare! (www.negativland.com)
Music Reviews | No. 35
Follow Your Bliss
by Larry Crane
Wally Gagel spent many years engineering at Boston's Fort Apache Studio, working on many cool records with bands like Belly, Sebadoh, Old 97's, and Pell Mell. Now he lives in L.A. and has a home...