OneMic Series: The Imaginaries at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio
by Geoff Stanfield
John Cuniberti's OneMic Series presents The Imaginaries at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio!
John Cuniberti's OneMic Series presents The Imaginaries at Muscle Shoals Sound Studio!
Why did I think I could set up my home studio in a couple of hours when it took four months to move Jackpot! to a new building? Tomorrow's shopping list: Solder, S/PDIF cables, etc... I'm amazed at how tangled and messy this quickly got. All I...
By Alex Maiolo I’m sure a lot of you are asking “who was Herb Deutsch and what does he have to do with rock n’ roll?” The short answer is sometimes it’s the people behind the scenes that change the course of...
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Some Tape Op readers started this site/podcast some time back. More home recorded music. -LC "creot radio is produced by an international collective of independent artists. shows are recorded by individual hosts and are intended to reflect the...
A Guided Tour of High Vis’ Guided Tour at Holy Mountain Studios. By Sam Retzer Engineer Stanley Gravett is retreating down the stairs to Holy Mountain Studio after being ‘bullied’ upstairs at the Crypt of the Wizard record...
John Cuniberti has taken his OneMic Series down south! Here is a look behind the scenes at Sun Studios!
If you want to stay in business you need to record all kinds of bands, including those you don't care for. (This is actually a shock to some people. It is. They don't last long, and their refusal to work with anyone except bands they hand-pick is...
Hard to believe that 2022 is already coming to a close. As was true in 2021, it was obvious that as the world was on lock down, artists were busy using their time to be creative and the result was an incredible amount of fantastic releases across...