Artist/writer Keri Smith came up with this list some time back and it took on a life of its own. During a chat a client showed this to me as we were discussing being a musician and people that were "unhappy" with their lack of success. This sure seems to apply...
More Entries
Damian Wagner Records the Sound of the Earth! How?
by Larry Crane
So you just drop a microphone to the bottom of an 800ft hole in the earth? Damian Wagner (issue 64) checks in with Tape Op. "I've just returned from a two week audio expedition to Brazil. I was in Brazil to test nine microphones, cables, speakers...
Detroit Remembers Audio Ace Norm Druce
by Geoff Stanfield
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
The Psychology of Analogue
by Geoff Stanfield
Excellent mini-documnetary The Psychology of Analogue, featuring Julie McLarnon. Definetly worth 30 minutes of your time!
The Wrecking Crew Film is Awesome
by Larry Crane
Come see The Wrecking Crew film at Hollywood Theatre in Portland on Saturday May 8th. There are a number of other screenings happening coming up. I shared the stage with director Denny Tedesco and watched his film in Cleveland recently, It's an...
Archive and Catalog
by Larry Crane
I'm in the middle of cataloging 1.5 TB of audio files. This is the work I do for the Estate of Elliott Smith. Two computers keep Pro Tools on the top one and FileMaker Pro and Excel for track sheets on the bottom one. Otherwise the MacBook Pro...
You Don't Have a Clue How Records are Made Do You?
by Larry Crane
A year ago I read this quote from self-proclaimed expert music biz blogger, Bob Lefsetz: "We live in a lo-fi era. You can focus on sound quality, but most people can't hear it. There's a chance hi-fi is coming back, but do you really have...
The Origin of Tape Op Magazine
by Geoff Stanfield
by Larry Crane In 1996 my life changed. A few years earlier, I had been in a busy band (Vomit Launch, a precursor to what became indie rock) putting out albums and touring for almost eight years. In late 1992 we called it quits. I’d moved...
History Lost, History Gained
by Larry Crane