All around great engineer, and good guy, Ronan Chris Murphy has a few episodes out of his new Ronan's Recording Show. Some studio tours, gear reviews and a look at the SwirlyGig drink holder! Check it out.
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
Larry interviewed Jack White back in Tape Op #82, and we went inside his Third Man Records pressing plant in issue #127.
White just released his sixth solo album, No Name. It is a great listen filled with whisps of Zeppelin, swamp blues, Detroit...
Hipper music bloggers than you're likely to ever find here have been freaking out over surrealist hip hop duo Das Racist for a while now, ever since the Pineapple Express rap tune "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell" came out earlier this year. Even...
by Alex Maiolo
One of our patron saints of recording, Mitch Easter [Tape Op #21], turns 70 today. That's almost irrelevant, as this treasure of a human should be celebrated every day, but it prompted me to write about his impact.
Like anyone,...
Many Tape Op readers likely can’t imagine that issue #1 was Xeroxed and hand-folded 28 years ago, but it was. People may think of us as DIY, but there’s a long history of so many helping this magazine be its best, beginning with friends...
You know those ads? Yeah, some Photoshop jockey took the GUI of a plug-in and made it look like a piece of outboard gear, a synth or something. Drives me nuts. For years I couldn't figure out if one plug-in, I think it was Trilogy, was "real" or...
We sent intrepid reporter Jeorgia Anderson to cover this fascinating event. -LC
When I read that the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) was holding their 45th annual conference in downtown Los Angeles May 11-14, I went to...
A few years ago a Northwest music mag (now defunct) interviewed some Portland "best new band" character and the moron spouted out that nothing had been going on in Portland before his band moved to town - that this was the turning point when...