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Soundtrack to Brian Eno Documentary Out Now
by Geoff Stanfield
To accompany the new documentary film, Eno, a career spanning soundtrack has also been released. It is a 17-track album that dips into many eras of his 50 year solo career. We recommend checking out all of Eno's solo recordings,...
I will remix the stupid right outta you
by Vijith Assar
Hipper music bloggers than you're likely to ever find here have been freaking out over surrealist hip hop duo Das Racist for a while now, ever since the Pineapple Express rap tune "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell" came out earlier this year. Even...
Meeting Your Maker
by Larry Crane
Well, not my maker but the man behind the baby that is our RND5088 console at Jackpot! I got to spend a little time (and a photoshoot) with Rupert Neve at The Magic Shop in NYC during the AES convention last week. Thanks to Steve Rosenthal for...
Grammy Nominations
by Geoff Stanfield
It's that time of year again! The Grammy nominations are out and it's always fun to see a bunch of folks we have interviewed in Tape Op on the list. Here are the nominee's for Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Lucky Daye...
An Intern Rebuttal
by Larry Crane
I was gonna run this in the letters section of issue #78 coming up, but I just felt it was too long to fit well. -LC I just finished reading the letters section in the new issue [#77] regarding interns, and wanted to relate my experience. A couple...
Tape Op Staff Favorites of 2018
by Geoff Stanfield
There were so many great records released this year, in fact too many to make a definitve and exhaustive list, but here are a few favorites from the Tape Op family. Consider it a tasting menu and have a great holiday! Click link to listen! Larry...
Silver Sound's 3rd Annual Music Video Film Festival + Band Battle
by Larry Crane
Submissions are now being accepted for Silver Sound's 3rd Annual Music Video Film Festival + Band Battle, taking place on January 10th, 2012 at Brooklyn Bowl. Silver Sound is a studio in NY that provides production, post-production, and live sound...
Preparing Your Release For Vinyl
by Geoff Stanfield
Vinyl 101 - Preparing Your Release for Vinyl from Telegraph Mastering on Vimeo.