We are excited to announce Creative Recording With Tape Op. This video series covers a wide range of recording and mixing topics, concepts, and solutions. We look forward to sharing these conversations with you in the coming weeks and months, but for now enjoy Episode #1, What Makes a Great Recording? Episode made possible with support from Burl Audio!
On Oct 18th, the 30-plus year old band Karate will release Make it Fit, their first new album in 20 years, and have recently dropped the first two singles from the LP, "Defendants" and "Silence, Sound."
Larry first interviewed Karate...
Many of us appreciate the need for acoustic treatments, but few really understand some of the reasons behind it all. The problem is acoustics is a discipline of physics, and physics is often enshrouded in math, complex calculations, and...
Yup, I sit at my computer all day editing articles, writing stuff for the mag and answering the ridiculous amount of emails that always seep in over the course of a day.
illus by Eva Kihl
by Alex Maiolo
The term “linchpin” tends to get chucked around pretty liberally when we discuss music scenes, but Ed Ackerson, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer on October 4th, was the very embodiment of it. Ed was one of those...
The 129th AES Convention takes place Nov 4-7, and the Exhibitor's Hall is open Nov 5-7, where we'll be sitting patiently at a table giving away Tape Op magazines to passers by and answering questions about where the bathrooms are located and...
Enjoy a light-hearted animated romp courtesy of xtranormal.com's wonderful service. This is a real comment posted to our blog here. Sure is nice to feel the love.
Simultaneously making apparent the depths of both my dorkiness and my loyalty, I steadfastly stood by Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" all through its various tribulations over the last couple years -- first with its questionable placement on the OC,...