A Thoughtful Piece on Tape Op 88's End Rant by Ethan Winer
by Larry Crane
Wade Baynham of The Second Story studio in Durham, NC, posted a nice piece about Ethan's End Rant in issue #88.
Wade Baynham of The Second Story studio in Durham, NC, posted a nice piece about Ethan's End Rant in issue #88.
A few months back while on a call with Tape Op publisher John Baccigaluppi, he mentioned that he was working on an album project where the majority of the sounds were generated by his cat Raspy. That is not to say that Raspy actually sat down...
Take a look/listen to the new video and single "Didn’t" (feat. Cavetown) from Sarah Tudzin, aka illuminati hotties, from their upcoming LP, Power. Sadie Dupuis of Speedy Ortiz and Sad13, interviewed Sarah for Tape Op #145 and you can...
We interviewed Herb Alpert in Tape Op #140, and he hasn't slowed down since. He just released his 50th album, aptly titled 50. It is yet another prime example of the lounge pop genre he all but invented with The Tijuana Brass starting in the...
At Jackpot! we use the service from Greendisk. They send us a cardboard box and we toss used CD-R/DVD-R media, cords, old cell phones, cables and printer cartridges. A pretty cool service and not too expensive.
Musow Danse by Les Amazones d'Afrique is out now and was produced by Garrett Jacknife Lee. Read his interview from Tape Op #149. This pan-country, multilingual supergroup of amazing African women is powerful and so important. Their previous two...
Tape Op contributor and studio owner/engineer/producer Mike Caffrey recently sent me some thoughts he had about visitors to the studio during sessions. See issue 73’s upcoming end rant for the origins of this piece. -LC I always tell...
I recently mixed my first album entirely on my laptop. Yeah, maybe I'm a decade behind the curve but I also own a studio and have done a majority of my work there. On this job we were attempting to cut and mix a record in three days and we didn't...
Larry caught up with Manny Marroquin at Studio La Fabrique in France during a Mix With The Masters session.