Thom and John had a great time at Loop 2018, so we wanted to let everybody know that Loop 2020 is open for registration now. This event always sells out way in advance, so don’t dawdle!
Australia has always had its fair share of rock and punk bands, and the tradition continues today with artists like The Chats, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, and Amyl and the Sniffers, just to name a few.
Amyl and the Sniffers new...
I just received the first promo cassette in a long time from Odessa Records' Shit Horse. Alright! Wait, what year is it? Fucking A. I have a cassette player in the basement, and I could go down there, grab it, plug it all in and give this a...
Across more than 100 tracks, MEMPHIS captures Elvis from the earliest stages of his career at Sun Records/Memphis Recording Service to his final recordings in Graceland’s Jungle Room, with stops at other iconic studios such as American and...
Our compatriots over at Australia's fine Audio Technology magazine posted this video of a visit to Behringer City. See Video Here.
It's a curious visit and Chris Holder offers some good insight into this man and his company. Thanks to Steven...
Come see The Wrecking Crew film at Hollywood Theatre in Portland on Saturday May 8th. There are a number of other screenings happening coming up. I shared the stage with director Denny Tedesco and watched his film in Cleveland recently, It's an...
Matt McGlynn over at the informative Recording Hacks site has a section devoted to Tape Op mic reviews. Not all of them are up yet, and we're not quite sure why he wanted to tackle this project (crazy? smart? nice guy?) but it's up there. Now I can...
You know those ads? Yeah, some Photoshop jockey took the GUI of a plug-in and made it look like a piece of outboard gear, a synth or something. Drives me nuts. For years I couldn't figure out if one plug-in, I think it was Trilogy, was "real" or...
Just a quick note about the upcoming Audio Engineering Society (AES) convention in Los Angeles. We have arranged for all Tape Op readers to receive a free Exhibits Plus Badge to the convention. This badge is good for the Exhibition PLUS all...
by John Baccigaluppi
The music industry trade shows, and the NAMM Show in particular, have always been a mixed bag for me. Every year, for the last 20 years or so, Larry and I, along with Geoff, Scott, and Marsha (We miss you Andy, Dave, and Laura!)...