Don't forget, if you happen to be in Austin next week for some big music even, like SXSW or something, that we're throwing a kick-ass party at the Lucky Lounge from 2-6 pm on March 15th, Thursday. Okay? RSVP HERE!
by Alex Maiolo
One of our patron saints of recording, Mitch Easter [Tape Op #21], turns 70 today. That's almost irrelevant, as this treasure of a human should be celebrated every day, but it prompted me to write about his impact.
Like anyone,...
Hey Tape Op Readers!
The AES Show will be online this year and you can get your FREE AES SHOWCASE pass (Showcase is from Oct 19 - 23 and will be on-demand until January) by using VIP code AES2020TapeOp at checkout!
Offer good until Sept...
Wally De Backer (a.k.a. Gotye) has put together an extensive collection of information and photos about the Ondioline, a electronic musical instrument from the 1940's, on a new website!
We interviewed Mike Campbell for issue #150, right around the time he and his band, The Dirty Knobs released their second LP, External Combustion. A year on, the band has released a new collection of music, Vagabonds, Virgins and Misfits. The Dirty...
Reader Brent E (bcengels at yahoo dot com) sent in some cool links about audio.
The possibility of and “acoustic cloak” is discussed. The future of studio soundproofing?
Music and Auditory illusions are discussed in the New Scientist
Video Release: James Supercave "Burn"
What follows may be one of the best answers to the "So, how'd you guys meet?" question we have ever heard. Producer, engineer, and oft-recorded bassist (Black Keys, Ryan Adams, Norah Jones) Gus Seyffert was...