AutoTune as the Subject of a Song?
by Larry Crane
Yup. And here's the video. Funny as shit. "Thanks AutoTune!"
Yup. And here's the video. Funny as shit. "Thanks AutoTune!"
Speaking of the art world, reader Halsey Burgund sent a link to his installation that “involves some unconventional recording techniques, mainly doing it wirelessly and using lots of open-source and customized software.” Looks like fun...
Expect to see more changes in the music purchasing/acquiring habits of teenagers as time goes by. Courtesy of the NPD Group's press release: "teens (age 13 to 17) acquired 19 percent less music in 2008 than they did in 2007. CD purchasing declined 26...
I was amazed today to be informed that phonograph cylinders are still being manufactured. Madame Pamita dropped us a line a while back and surprised us with some cool music recorded on Cylinders by Peter Dilg, of the Edison Historical Site, and it...
I'll bet if you asked any busy business owner or manager what they spend the the most time doing, it would be the art of telling people, "No." For years I've found this to be true in regards to running Tape Op Magazine. "No" may seem a negative...
Read the review of the RND 5088 Console
My pal just sent me this awesome piece written by a screenwriter about people asking him to read their scripts. And yes, I think anyone who works in whatever given field can understand this. Damned if you do, and an asshole if you don't. And of...
Vintage King recently celebrated their 30 year anniversary. Like most things, there is a story behind what has now become a fantastic retailer of both vintage and modern recording equipment. I caught up with founder Michael Nehra on a Zoom call and...
Our pal Ronan Chris Murphy does this cool "TV" show on his site,, and the most recent one is with me and John Baccigaluppi where we talk about Tape Op Magazine. I think it's a good insight into how the mag works and who...