Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
April 15th marks the 25th anniversary of Tape Op Magazine! To mark the occasion, Tape Op founder and editor Larry Crane is making a series of short videos talking about the journey of the mag and some of the memories had along the...
Our pal Ronan Chris Murphy does this cool "TV" show on his site,, and the most recent one is with me and John Baccigaluppi where we talk about Tape Op Magazine. I think it's a good insight into how the mag works and who...
Photo: Larry Crane The recent passing of Ed Cherney sent me to my archives. I'd interviewed Ed many years ago and he asked me not to run it. We went back and forth about it, and I never understood why he didn't want this interview in Tape Op....
I don't want to explore this concept with as many words as I might for a Tape Op "End Rant", but I had to dump this shit out of my mind immediately. Someone dropped me a line recently; "I'd like you to hear this record I worked on. We didn't use EQ,...
Here's some links and stuff from a thread I started at the Tape Op Message Board forum: David Byrne interviews Thom Yorke about the Radiohead "In Rainbows" download in Wired Magazine. Pandora Radio is an internet radio site that allows the...
Ace Hotel has long been a favorite among artist/studio types, so when we heard the news that they were going to beginoffering quality recording gear as a literal hotel service, it made sense. Featured behind their tailored front desk you'll find...
The husband and wife partnership of Alan Sparhawk and Mimi Parker will forever be remembered for their work in the band Low. Their remarkable vocal harmonies always told a story of a long and storied relationship that went far beyond the music and...
Vinyl 101 - Preparing Your Release for Vinyl from Telegraph Mastering on Vimeo.
With news of Neil Young pushing to get studio quality audio out to the consumer, it occurred to me that it would be good to get some perspective on how we go about comparing audio quality. One of the most problematic issues surrounding audio...