Many Tape Op readers likely can’t imagine that issue #1 was Xeroxed and hand-folded 28 years ago, but it was. People may think of us as DIY, but there’s a long history of so many helping this magazine be its best, beginning with friends who dropped by to collate and staple for free beers! Thanks to all the folks that have worked so hard with us, and to all the amazing subscribers out there! -LC
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
Caro Snatch did this interesting online interview with Robert Henke from Monolake on her site. An interesting note is that he created this album, Silence, "without any compression." Well, yeah, uh, if you work in the box and want to draw/automate...
If you're sending tracks to other folks for mixing and/or sorting out, here's a suggestion from our pal Goat(boy), Andrew Gilchrist. -LC
Larry, Sitting on a plane, flying today from Spain to Switzerland, on my seemingly endless tour. Finally...
Hey lucky Tape Op website forager: I've got an extra goodie bag from the Tape Op Party we held in March during SXSW. I don't have the full selection of swag, but I'll thrown in a couple of the SoundToys "special tin can of awesomeness" items which...
Well known producer/engineer Roger Nichols is currently battling cancer, and we send him our best hopes and thoughts. Please visit his website.
George at MIX Mag had this to say:
By November 24th we will have installed a new Rupert Neve Designs 5088 console at my studio, Jackpot! Recording Studio, in Portland, OR. Excited? Of course. And look, no EQ, no preamps and no automation. Just pure, perfect analog mixdown heaven. You...
Tape Op contributor Allen Farmelo sent us this thoughtful piece on why the mag doesn't feature many "negative" reviews. Makes sense to me. I imagine anyone out there wanting us to write reviews ripping apart gear all the time still might come up...
Art is Alive is a solidarity effort aimed at providing resources, spreading awareness and building connectedness within the artistic and creative freelance communities impacted by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Created by artist Rhiannon Giddens, and...
So here's a pile of CDs I'm supposed to be listening to right now instead of enjoying The Skids' Sweet Suburbia album. Some of these I actually bought (so I should be enjoying them I guess) and some were handed over by friends (yes, the Scott...