Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss Bus Processing in the new episode of Creative Recording with Tape Op! Be sure to head on over to our YouTube channel and hit the subscribe and like buttons! Episode made possible with support from BURL Audio!
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
"First off, I really enjoy reading Tape Op. I have read it since I was in 8th grade (2001)."
I never imagined I'd get an email that began like this. I will be 46 in May. Tape Op entered its 14th year in April. Jackpot! Recording Studio is over 14...
(text from the Scotty Hard Trust website): Scott Harding is a highly accomplished New York City based music producer, engineer, and performer. Over the course of 20+ years, his rich and varied career has taken him to Africa, Europe, North America...
You know those ads? Yeah, some Photoshop jockey took the GUI of a plug-in and made it look like a piece of outboard gear, a synth or something. Drives me nuts. For years I couldn't figure out if one plug-in, I think it was Trilogy, was "real" or...
I was fortunate enough to get an Apogee Duet 2 recently. This device hooks up to your computer's USB port (and is powered from there) and allows you to monitor audio. I'm not gonna go into all the details, see our review of the original Duet. At...
Okay, so that's not the most original headline ever. I check the MySpace site once every 6 months and see old notes from friends about things that happened ages ago. Sorry. Oops. But what really drives me bat-shit is seeing ads like "Learn Audio...
A while back I had an interesting session recording auditions and providing camera audio feed over the course of three days for 24 instrumental and vocal performers, all of whom were hoping to get on the roster with Cirque du Soleil. Roger...