OneMic Series: Cedric Burnside
by Geoff Stanfield
Cedric Burnside performs "Love Her 'Til I Die" for the OneMic Series!
Cedric Burnside performs "Love Her 'Til I Die" for the OneMic Series!
I was amazed today to be informed that phonograph cylinders are still being manufactured. Madame Pamita dropped us a line a while back and surprised us with some cool music recorded on Cylinders by Peter Dilg, of the Edison Historical Site, and it...
I was fortunate enough to get an Apogee Duet 2 recently. This device hooks up to your computer's USB port (and is powered from there) and allows you to monitor audio. I'm not gonna go into all the details, see our review of the original Duet. At...
So I just noticed an email in my inbox from a PR person with the headline: "XXXXX MICS FEATURED IN THE BEATLES?: ROCK BAND? VIDEO GAME". What's next? "Shure SM57 seen briefly in a movie"? "Rob Thomas sings into wrong side of a mic in a video"? Oh...
Matt McGlynn over at the informative Recording Hacks site has a section devoted to Tape Op mic reviews. Not all of them are up yet, and we're not quite sure why he wanted to tackle this project (crazy? smart? nice guy?) but it's up there. Now I can...
Vinnie Castaldo was in the new issue of Tape Op. Check out his reviews of his two fave educational DVDs. -LC Trust Your Ears: The Drum Tech Explorations of Jeff Ocheltree If you’re like me, always getting stuck tuning drums before a session,...
Steve AlbiniRemembered by Larry Crane On Jan 19, 1987, I clambered aboard a yacht in Emeryville, CA, to interview Steve Albini and the band Big Black for BravEar Magazine, a conversation that unfortunately was never published due to the mag folding...
Enjoy a light-hearted animated romp courtesy of's wonderful service. This is a real comment posted to our blog here. Sure is nice to feel the love.
Thanks for this guest post by John Morand I wasn’t surprised when I heard that Daniel Johnston had died. It was 9-11 and for me, there would always be a connection between Daniel and 9-11. In the days after the attack, when...