Thom and John had a great time at Loop 2018, so we wanted to let everybody know that Loop 2020 is open for registration now. This event always sells out way in advance, so don’t dawdle!
Across more than 100 tracks, MEMPHIS captures Elvis from the earliest stages of his career at Sun Records/Memphis Recording Service to his final recordings in Graceland’s Jungle Room, with stops at other iconic studios such as American and...
From Kitchen Op Magazine's letters section:
I just wanted to write in to chime in on the debate about home cooking. As a professional chef, with many years of time invested in learning my craft and thousands of dollars...
Arooj Aftab's Night Reign
Arooj Aftab is a four time Grammy-nominated artist we featured in Tape Op issue #157. With Pakistani roots, she sings in Urdu and English, and became one of my favorite vocalists the moment I saw her performing on a live...
In line with Andy Hong's list of gear (issue #66) he's reviewed in the past that he still finds amazing, here's a list of stuff I was using this last month that I think deserves special credit for the amount of times I fall back on these pieces and...
I'll bet if you asked any busy business owner or manager what they spend the the most time doing, it would be the art of telling people, "No." For years I've found this to be true in regards to running Tape Op Magazine. "No" may seem a negative...
So you just drop a microphone to the bottom of an 800ft hole in the earth? Damian Wagner (issue 64) checks in with Tape Op.
"I've just returned from a two week audio expedition to Brazil. I was in Brazil to test nine microphones, cables, speakers...
Subconscious Auditory Effects (SAE) is a term I have cobbled together to encapsulate a broad range of phenomena in this barely-studied field of inquiry. An SAE is any measurable effect on a person caused by a sound, or change in sound, that is...
What another great year for music! It is always a challenge to sit down, reflect and try to narrow down all our favorite albums of the year (let alone a full decade!) into a simple list. Here at Tape Op we are frequently making music suggestions...