Detroit Remembers Audio Ace Norm Druce
by Geoff Stanfield
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
Vinnie Castaldo was in the new issue of Tape Op. Check out his reviews of his two fave educational DVDs. -LC Trust Your Ears: The Drum Tech Explorations of Jeff Ocheltree If you’re like me, always getting stuck tuning drums before a session,...
I was amazed today to be informed that phonograph cylinders are still being manufactured. Madame Pamita dropped us a line a while back and surprised us with some cool music recorded on Cylinders by Peter Dilg, of the Edison Historical Site, and it...
Remember Henry Hirsch from issue ? He's moved locations yet again, and his new studio (in Hudson, NY) looks fabulous. Check it out here. An unreal space and an amazing engineer/producer.
Caro Snatch did this interesting online interview with Robert Henke from Monolake on her site. An interesting note is that he created this album, Silence, "without any compression." Well, yeah, uh, if you work in the box and want to draw/automate...
***This is a guest "re-post" from the SoundGirls website (courtesy of SoundGirls and Ainjel Emme)*** THE DOUBLE GLAZED GLASS CEILING: Women and the Grammy for "Producer of the Year, Non-Classical" by Ainjel Emme (originally...
Wally De Backer (a.k.a. Gotye) has put together an extensive collection of information and photos about the Ondioline, a electronic musical instrument from the 1940's, on a new website!
My friend, sts is the Program Director and an instructor at The Rock ’n’ Roll Camp for Girls. They’re currently building up their recording program, Rock Camp Studio and the "Recording Engineer Track" studies and are looking for...