I’m still shocked at the passing of Martin Phillips of The Chills. He made a number of songs and albums that truly inspired me and many others. Please check out the interview I did with him in 1997, and listen to his song “Pink Frost” if you’ve never heard his music. You’ll find the beauty and sadness of this song quite fitting. It’s one of many great songs from a great writer. -Larry Crane
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
I'll be attending and pretending to be a panelist at The 2nd Annual Recording Summit in Nashville, held Nov 12-14 at Welcome to 1979 Studios. Check the link above to become part of this crazy cool event!
Whether you have been a fan of The Pixies and their indie rock masterworks Surfer Rosa and Doolittle since the late-'80s, or are just joining the conversation, you'll love their new release, The Night The Zombies Came. ...
"First off, I really enjoy reading Tape Op. I have read it since I was in 8th grade (2001)."
I never imagined I'd get an email that began like this. I will be 46 in May. Tape Op entered its 14th year in April. Jackpot! Recording Studio is over 14...
By Justin Douglas
When you hear a particularly moving piece of music, and you get that little chill that runs from the top of your scalp down your spine, that’s a specific network in your brain logging that music into your memory....
If you want to stay in business you need to record all kinds of bands, including those you don't care for. (This is actually a shock to some people. It is. They don't last long, and their refusal to work with anyone except bands they hand-pick is...
An Osees album with no guitars??? Yes, you heard that right, but fans of the band need not worry! SORCS 80 has all of the experimental punk rock attitude and delivery the band is known for, only on this album it's framed by heavy synths, bass,...
Sick of this economy and its doom and gloom? Sick of bands saying they don’t have money to record? Sick of top 40 radio? I have the answer: do something about it.
Support independent musicians by going out and purchasing CDs from bands...
by John Baccigaluppi
The music industry trade shows, and the NAMM Show in particular, have always been a mixed bag for me. Every year, for the last 20 years or so, Larry and I, along with Geoff, Scott, and Marsha (We miss you Andy, Dave, and Laura!)...