Maybe its a party. Maybe its a dinner party. Maybe you run into people on the street. But you know the situation: You are with your significant other. And you run into another audio-type with his/her/its significant other. Instead of being social, or introducing on another, you tear right into audio-techno-babble. You may notice the looks on the significant others' faces. You might even realize they look confused, disenfranchised, and/or pissed. BUT YOU CANT STOP. You keep talking about audio gear. Well, here is what you sound like: ====> UPDATE Please don't write in to say this guy has Asperger's Syndrome and we're making fun of him. Why? Because this guy would sound exactly the same regardless. The point of the video is to show someone who is so lost in details of their beloved area of interest that they forget about the rest of the world. That's all. Thank you.
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