Sick of this economy and its doom and gloom? Sick of bands saying they don’t have money to record? Sick of top 40 radio? I have the answer: do something about it.
Support independent musicians by going out and purchasing CDs from bands you don’t know. (And if you’re blessed to live in a city that has a vinyl or independently owned record store - by all means support them).
It’s simple. Just go to MySpace, or the independent CD sales site of your choice, and start surfing. For example, I love Crowded House. Of course, there are only so many Neil Finn and Crowded House CDs out there, but I found a US guy named Walty. Love his CD, which is called 'LET IT OUT'. Its kind of like The Replacements with John Lennon or Neil Finn on lead vocals. Really cool artwork, too. I think it cost me $9 or something. And Its better than any of this stuff on the top-40 radio. It’s a deal all the way around.
Every month, I’ve been trying to buy 5 CDs from bands I’ve never heard of before (especially if they cost $10 or less - bands, take note. The $18.99 CD is a bad idea). If you don’t have the time or money, just go for 1. If all the readers of Tape Op started doing this, we would all improve our music libraries, network with cool musicians, and who knows, maybe kick start the recording economy all by our selves.
Well, its worth a shot.