Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss Bus Processing in the new episode of Creative Recording with Tape Op! Be sure to head on over to our YouTube channel and hit the subscribe and like buttons! Episode made possible with support from BURL Audio!
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
by John Baccigaluppi
The music industry trade shows, and the NAMM Show in particular, have always been a mixed bag for me. Every year, for the last 20 years or so, Larry and I, along with Geoff, Scott, and Marsha (We miss you Andy, Dave, and Laura!)...
I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I say this all the time. Drop by Jim Powers' Music Shrink website and read his articulate post on the subject.
Photo: Larry Crane
The recent passing of Ed Cherney sent me to my archives. I'd interviewed Ed many years ago and he asked me not to run it. We went back and forth about it, and I never understood why he didn't want this interview in Tape Op....
Interviews, Stories, and the Truth
by Larry Crane
In Tape Op issue #53 I interviewed Brian Kehew and Kevin Ryan, authors of the then-recently released book, Recording The Beatles. One of the topics we discussed was interviewing...
Larry Crane adds an update to Eli Crews' original review of the Little Labs Redcloud 8810U8ERS Attenuator Pack.
Eli Crews did a great job of explaining this 8 channel attenuator eight years ago. What I find interesting is how, many years...
By Pete Droge
Recently, I unearthed a cassette tape from a box labeled "late 90s." The spine read "Warren Pash at Got Wheels." The tape contained two Pash originals I produced, engineered, and mixed: "Blue River" and "Bones & Stones."
On May 31st, 2022 we lost synthesis pioneer Dave Smith. Tape Op contributor Alex Maiolo wrote this lovey tribute to remember him by.-GS
Don Buchla, Robert Moog, Tom Oberheim, Delia Derbyshire, Peter Zinovieff, Roger Linn, Hiroaki Nishijima,...
***This is a guest "re-post" from the SoundGirls website (courtesy of SoundGirls and Ainjel Emme)***
THE DOUBLE GLAZED GLASS CEILING: Women and the Grammy for "Producer of the Year, Non-Classical"
by Ainjel Emme