Jonathan Mann is the "song a day guy" of Songatron. Since January 1st 2009 he's posted a song and video a day. Septemeber 28th 2011 he'll have recorded 1000 songs. Wow. In June Nick Krill and Thomas Hughes of The Spinto Band joined up with Jonathan and did a month of live, interactive recording. Details are here. Sounds like it was fun, and I'm sorry that it took me until July to post about it. Gotta get my shit in line...
More Entries
Henry Hirsch and his new Waterfront Studios
by Larry Crane
Remember Henry Hirsch from issue ? He's moved locations yet again, and his new studio (in Hudson, NY) looks fabulous. Check it out here. An unreal space and an amazing engineer/producer.
End Rant #106: Making Records in the Age of PONO
by Allen Farmelo
We are witnessing the dawn of dramatic format changes for audio delivery. On the one hand, we now have streaming audio and, on the other hand, we have the movement away from compressed digital formats toward higher-resolution digital files. The CD...
Access Some Other Guy's Outboard Gear Online?
by Larry Crane
What? Huh? That's right, now you can "use classic studio gear online." This guy Fredrik created some way to remotely set compressors and equalizers and then pass your audio through them. Pretty genius and probably the wave of the future for certain...
AES 2017 Passes
by Geoff Stanfield
Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
New Music From Sunroof: Electronic Music Improvisations, Vol.3
by Geoff Stanfield
We interviewed both Gareth Jones (Depeche Mode, Erasure) and Daniel Miller (Mute Records, The Normal) in Tape Op #110. Collectively they are Sunroof, and have just released Electronic Music Improvisations, Vol.3. This collection follows...
Hurricane Sandy Relief Gear Auctions ($38,384 raised by Sound Toys!)
by John Baccigaluppi
Dear Tape Op Readers, As you know many of our family, friends and colleagues on the East Coast have been hit hard by Hurricane Sandy last week. Led by Ken Bogdanowicz of Sound Toys, several of our advertisers have joined together to help raise...
Tuesday Night Recording Club
by Andy Hong
Brian Charles and his friends at Zippah Studios are recording in the style of past hits, and then detailing how they did it. It's a weekly series. The latest post, in which they take an original song by Aaron Perrino (The Sheila Divine, Dear Leader)...
Nashville Recording Summit Nov. 13-15
by Larry Crane
Tape Op contributor, Chris Mara, has organized an amazing studio event coming up. I wanted to go but sessions have stopped me. If you can make it, this sounds like a lot of fun. Tape Op Messageboard Thread and instructions Welcome to 1979 Studio