Yup, we're finally back on track with clothing here at the US branch of Tape Op. Check it all out, plus back issues, at Good Mountain, our new supplier of direct mail order goodies for Tape Op.
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
In issue 32 we had a short review of Linda Smith's current CD. Even though we meant to get an interview with Linda in the mag at some point, for some reason it never quite happened. Jump to 2011 and Linda has assembled a site full of MP3's of her...
If you are a Tape Op reader, you know our recent issue #136 had a focus on Dub Reggae. But beyond King Tubby, Lee Perry and Scientist, many people wonder where they should start with their listening to explore the genre. I asked recent interviewee...
Just a quick note about the upcoming Audio Engineering Society (AES) convention in Los Angeles. We have arranged for all Tape Op readers to receive a free Exhibits Plus Badge to the convention. This badge is good for the Exhibition PLUS all...
Hey lucky Tape Op website forager: I've got an extra goodie bag from the Tape Op Party we held in March during SXSW. I don't have the full selection of swag, but I'll thrown in a couple of the SoundToys "special tin can of awesomeness" items which...
Every few years it seems time to give a brief explanation of how Tape Op Magazine "works." We constantly get letters from folks who are amazed that this magazine arrives to them for free. Well, it's actually very simple: you pay for...
Last week Cycling 74 released the tremendous version 6 update to Max/MSP, their flagship multimedia programming platform, which provides an appealingly artistic interface into audio, MIDI, and video focused logic at a nonetheless ...