Tape Op contributor Thom Monahan dug up this gem. Enjoy!
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home made hit show
by Larry Crane
Here’s something I don’t think we’ve covered in Tape Op before, but reader Tony Butterworth has created the Home Made Hit Show, where he uploads podcast shows filled with songs from home recordists. Great idea, and it’s nice...
by Larry Crane
So I just noticed an email in my inbox from a PR person with the headline: "XXXXX MICS FEATURED IN THE BEATLES?: ROCK BAND? VIDEO GAME". What's next? "Shure SM57 seen briefly in a movie"? "Rob Thomas sings into wrong side of a mic in a video"? Oh...
Tuesday Night Recording Club
by Andy Hong
Brian Charles and his friends at Zippah Studios are recording in the style of past hits, and then detailing how they did it. It's a weekly series. The latest post, in which they take an original song by Aaron Perrino (The Sheila Divine, Dear Leader)...
Sound City, Dave Grohl, and the Changing Business of Recording Music
by Larry Crane
Everyone has been talking about Dave Grohl's new documentary Sound City a lot lately. That's cool; it's a fun romp of a movie, even if Dave can't decide whether he's making a film about a Neve console, a dying studio, a rock star jam session or an...
Radio Ownership and Independent Music - FMC Report
by Larry Crane
Our busy friends over at the Future of Music Coalition have released a study, “Same Old Song: An Analysis of Radio Playlists in a Post FCC-Consent Decree World”. Check it out - basically the major radio stations owners - Clear Channel,...
So You're Broke and You expect the Music Biz to Provide an Income?
by Larry Crane
I've received a few pretty odd emails recently. I know times are tough, unemployment sucks, but really, expecting any sort of "bailout" from the music biz has got to be the most delusional crap I've come across. Making a living in music requires hard...
Letter to the Editor
by Larry Crane
From Kitchen Op Magazine's letters section: I just wanted to write in to chime in on the debate about home cooking. As a professional chef, with many years of time invested in learning my craft and thousands of dollars...
Great New Book "Behind the Glass, Volume II"
by Larry Crane
Our pal, Howard Massey, has a new book out, Behind The Glass Volume II. Volume I was a real treat, and Howard also co-wrote Geoff Emerick's excellent Here, There and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of the Beatles. There's a ridiculous amount...