Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC!
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Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC!
CLICK HERE to get your free badge courtesy of Tape Op!
Everyone has been talking about Dave Grohl's new documentary Sound City a lot lately. That's cool; it's a fun romp of a movie, even if Dave can't decide whether he's making a film about a Neve console, a dying studio, a rock star jam session or an...
On May 31st, 2022 we lost synthesis pioneer Dave Smith. Tape Op contributor Alex Maiolo wrote this lovey tribute to remember him by.-GS Don Buchla, Robert Moog, Tom Oberheim, Delia Derbyshire, Peter Zinovieff, Roger Linn, Hiroaki Nishijima,...
Don't forget, if you happen to be in Austin next week for some big music even, like SXSW or something, that we're throwing a kick-ass party at the Lucky Lounge from 2-6 pm on March 15th, Thursday. Okay? RSVP HERE!
Yup, we're finally back on track with clothing here at the US branch of Tape Op. Check it all out, plus back issues, at Good Mountain, our new supplier of direct mail order goodies for Tape Op.
Wally De Backer (a.k.a. Gotye) has put together an extensive collection of information and photos about the Ondioline, a electronic musical instrument from the 1940's, on a new website www.ondioline.com!
Vinnie Castaldo was in the new issue of Tape Op. Check out his reviews of his two fave educational DVDs. -LC Trust Your Ears: The Drum Tech Explorations of Jeff Ocheltree If you’re like me, always getting stuck tuning drums before a session,...
Well known producer/engineer Roger Nichols is currently battling cancer, and we send him our best hopes and thoughts. Please visit his website. George at MIX Mag had this to say: ROGER NICHOLS NEEDS YOUR...
head-fi: n, audiophile-grade headphone systems.portable: adj, able to be easily carried. The record industry is about twenty-five years into a massive devaluation of its products. This devaluation is not due to some invisible calculus the way, say,...
Reader Brent E (bcengels at yahoo dot com) sent in some cool links about audio. The possibility of and “acoustic cloak” is discussed. The future of studio soundproofing? Music and Auditory illusions are discussed in the New Scientist