To accompany the new documentary film, Eno, a career spanning soundtrack has also been released. It is a 17-track album that dips into many eras of his 50 year solo career. We recommend checking out all of Eno's solo recordings, collaborations, and his extensive production work, but this is a good overview that incudes some of his recordings with Cluster, John Cale, David Byrne, Roger Eno, and more.
The original Eno footage included in the video for "Stiff" was shot in the early 90’s and finally unearthed by Gary Hustwit in the making of the Eno film. The song is included in both the film and official soundtrack album.
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
John Caroll Kirby - Septet
It is a great time for music and recording. The pandemic drove many artists into their bedrooms and living spaces to make recordings and others figured out ways to get into studios safely. I get a load of new...
Tape Op will once again have a booth at the AES show in San Francisco, CA October 27-29, so please come say hi if you are at the show!
To make it easier for you to attend the show, we are once again giving away free badges to the exhibition area of...
Why did I think I could set up my home studio in a couple of hours when it took four months to move Jackpot! to a new building? Tomorrow's shopping list: Solder, S/PDIF cables, etc... I'm amazed at how tangled and messy this quickly got. All I...
Okay, so that's not the most original headline ever. I check the MySpace site once every 6 months and see old notes from friends about things that happened ages ago. Sorry. Oops. But what really drives me bat-shit is seeing ads like "Learn Audio...
As we exit the era of digital audio data compression and begin the ascent into higher sample rates for consumer consumption (via multiple platforms, though most popularly Neil Young's PONO system), we are finding ourselves as a community of...
Video Release: James Supercave "Burn"
What follows may be one of the best answers to the "So, how'd you guys meet?" question we have ever heard. Producer, engineer, and oft-recorded bassist (Black Keys, Ryan Adams, Norah Jones) Gus Seyffert was...
I liked your end rant - what they didn't tell you in school - and I generally concur. For better or worse, I generally do things differently than the way students are taught in other classes, an approach that is perhaps more likely to cause trouble,...
A couple of years ago I purchased a download package that a friend's band, Blue Skies for Black Hearts, was offering up. It was a generous offer, proceeds went towards a good cause, and the band is really fun (not to mention that the bandleader,...
Well known producer/engineer Roger Nichols is currently battling cancer, and we send him our best hopes and thoughts. Please visit his website.
George at MIX Mag had this to say: