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Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
This issue’s cover is an homage to the Pink Floyd song “Echoes,” from the album Meddle. The idea came to me after I saw Brian T. Silak’s photo of Jack Antonoff’s vintage tape delays, as the Binson Echorec...
I was fortunate enough to get an Apogee Duet 2 recently. This device hooks up to your computer's USB port (and is powered from there) and allows you to monitor audio. I'm not gonna go into all the details, see our review of the original Duet. At...
This may be the most indispensable tool in my studio. I hear people say that converters don't matter and that most cannot hear the difference. Bullsh*t! If you cannot accurately hear what you are doing you are making uninformed choices. They call...
Tape Op is sponsoring an event at The Hangar, aka Tape Op Publishing HQ. When: Saturday, September 6, 10am-6pm. Where: The Hangar Studios, Sacramento, CA What: The first Audio Underground Roadshow What’s that and who will be there: Demos of...
Here's a guest spot from our pal Larry Devivo. It didn't quite fit a reply for Tape Op letters, but it's a great story and I wanted to share it. -LC There is a new microphone made called the Lucas CS-1. This mic is the brainchild of Terry Manning...
I just read an excellent new essay called The Case Against Free in which the author suggests that the "free economy" is drying up the economic resources needed to make quality creative works. The article focuses on recordings. It's a well...
Musow Danse by Les Amazones d'Afrique is out now and was produced by Garrett Jacknife Lee. Read his interview from Tape Op #149. This pan-country, multilingual supergroup of amazing African women is powerful and so important. Their previous two...
"First off, I really enjoy reading Tape Op. I have read it since I was in 8th grade (2001)." I never imagined I'd get an email that began like this. I will be 46 in May. Tape Op entered its 14th year in April. Jackpot! Recording Studio is over 14...
I just finished reading your article, "My Unwritten (Until Now) "Rules" in the studio," Tape Op #85. Let me offer up a few words of wisdom on your well-written points. - Don't play music by other artists: In 1978 I was working with a...