Thom and John had a great time at Loop 2018, so we wanted to let everybody know that Loop 2020 is open for registration now. This event always sells out way in advance, so don’t dawdle!
I'm about to write something that at first will seem like another gray-beard waxing nostalgic for a by-gone analog era. But, stick with me, because I think the tables are turning to where going analog might be as forward-thinking as it gets.
I didn't do this video. But the guy who did must be spying on me. You can replace the style of music with any style, but the conversation is the same. (Recording Engineers, you can replace mastering with 'my friend has a hacked copy of Cubase.') ...
Hey lucky Tape Op website forager: I've got an extra goodie bag from the Tape Op Party we held in March during SXSW. I don't have the full selection of swag, but I'll thrown in a couple of the SoundToys "special tin can of awesomeness" items which...
The 129th AES Convention takes place Nov 4-7, and the Exhibitor's Hall is open Nov 5-7, where we'll be sitting patiently at a table giving away Tape Op magazines to passers by and answering questions about where the bathrooms are located and...
This is a fascinating article about a brand new study in human auditory perception that is showing that there have been "naive" applications of mathematical formulas onto our understanding of human auditory perception. I cannot claim to...
A while back I had an interesting session recording auditions and providing camera audio feed over the course of three days for 24 instrumental and vocal performers, all of whom were hoping to get on the roster with Cirque du Soleil. Roger...
The worldwide COVID-19 situation is affecting us all at this moment. Years ago I was a gigging musician and restaurant worker, and I feel I essentially still live a gig economy life - depending on Tape Op and studio bookings for personal income....
This looks to be an interesting event. I'd go if I was in the area that week! -Larry
ASSOCIATION FOR RECORDED SOUND COLLECTIONS 45th Annual Conference - May 11-14, 2011 Wilshire Grand Hotel, Los Angeles
One hundred and thirty...
At Jackpot! we use the service from Greendisk. They send us a cardboard box and we toss used CD-R/DVD-R media, cords, old cell phones, cables and printer cartridges. A pretty cool service and not too expensive.