I got to see ex-Grandaddy Jason Lytle play a semi-secret first band-backed show (with ex-bandmate Aaron Burtch) last Saturday. Quite fun and a great set of new songs. Jasons' album, Yours Truly, the Commuter, comes out May 19 on ANTI- records. We ended up at a crazy burlesque absinth party with the band as well, but that's a whole other story.
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
More good stuff from Brittany Howard and Shawn Everett on the making of Brittany's new album Jaime
Read the whole interview with Brittany and Shawn HERE
Vinnie Castaldo was in the new issue of Tape Op. Check out his reviews of his two fave educational DVDs. -LC
Trust Your Ears: The Drum Tech Explorations of Jeff Ocheltree
If you’re like me, always getting stuck tuning drums before a session,...
Larry Crane and Geoff Stanfield discuss mixing analog vs. in the box vs. a hybrid approach in the latest episode of Creative Recording With Tape Op!
This episode is made possible with support from our friends at BURL Audio.
Al Kooper produced this band in the '80s. They really knew how to argue - with him, with each other and probably with anyone in a ten-mile radius. Al edited out the music and kept the wonderful conversation, releasing it on one of his limited (300...
So, Fort George Brewery & Public House in Astoria, OR, made an actual Tape Op-branded craft beer. It's called Overdub IPA, and it looks like this:
Here is what Fort George had to say about their creation:
A good beer is like a good sound...
I pulled short straw and had to go pick up the take out tonight (take away for our UK readers). The radio was set to NPR, so I let it alone. The announcer introduced a new segment called “Listen to This,” that features famous musicians...
by Larry Crane
In 1996 my life changed. A few years earlier, I had been in a busy band (Vomit Launch, a precursor to what became indie rock) putting out albums and touring for almost eight years. In late 1992 we called it quits. I’d moved...