Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Our busy friends over at the Future of Music Coalition have released a study, “Same Old Song: An Analysis of Radio Playlists in a Post FCC-Consent Decree World”. Check it out - basically the major radio stations owners - Clear Channel,...
Well, not my maker but the man behind the baby that is our RND5088 console at Jackpot! I got to spend a little time (and a photoshoot) with Rupert Neve at The Magic Shop in NYC during the AES convention last week. Thanks to Steve Rosenthal for...
Still openings: Larry Crane Recording Workshop in Portland, Aug 17/18, 2013 at Jackpot! Recording Studio.
Okay, so that's not the most original headline ever. I check the MySpace site once every 6 months and see old notes from friends about things that happened ages ago. Sorry. Oops. But what really drives me bat-shit is seeing ads like "Learn Audio...
Richard Kaplan, owner engineer of famed recording studio Indigo Ranch [Tape Op #103] is selling the remainder of his classic equipment collection. It includes vintage and rare pieces by API, Aengus, Fairchild, Teletronix, Neumann and...
Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC! CLICK HERE to get your free badge courtesy of Tape Op!
Since putting a pair of these modules in the rack it is has been a struggle to choose whether or not they go on the vocal or the mix. The vocal ususally wins, but it's a tough call. It doesn't take much to give your lead or bgv's that special...
Convention Report. Man, that old Disneyland hotel was awesome! I'm in the process of moving and was cleaning my office earlier today. I have a large collection of vintage audio magazines and books that I use for clip art when working on Tape...