Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
Check out this interview with our own Larry Crane in Spanish language audio magazine Audioforo!
Read it HERE
THE ERA OF HI-RES DIGITAL AUDIO IS HERE I’ve been watching the rise of hi-end digital audio recently, and as I put the individual pieces together over the past year or so a picture is emerging that has inspired me to claim that we are...
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
I thought I'd seen it all until I heard about collectors that pass around bootlegged copies of the test tones and bias pads from all genres of artists and albums. From an article in MOJO this month: "Sorting their collections by "tones at head" or...
Speaking of the art world, reader Halsey Burgund sent a link to his installation that “involves some unconventional recording techniques, mainly doing it wirelessly and using lots of open-source and customized software.” Looks like fun...
What? Huh? That's right, now you can "use classic studio gear online." This guy Fredrik created some way to remotely set compressors and equalizers and then pass your audio through them. Pretty genius and probably the wave of the future for certain...
Many Tape Op readers likely can’t imagine that issue #1 was Xeroxed and hand-folded 28 years ago, but it was. People may think of us as DIY, but there’s a long history of so many helping this magazine be its best, beginning with friends...
Joe McGinty has Carousel Studio in New York. Here his pal Amy Hobby gathered 20 young ladies to knock out a great version of Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" on film featuring Joe's INSAME collection of vintage keyboards. This film is the best...
You've probably heard stuff about the stupid-loud Metallica album. Idolator rang me up for some comments. Check it out.
It was at a recent trade show, after a major DAW manufacturer cancelled our meeting, that I realized I was relieved to be off the hook. I always enjoy meeting with this person, and I use and like their products. But I was relieved to not hear...