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New Daniel Levitin Book: I Heard There Was a Secret Chord: Music as Medicine
by Geoff Stanfield
I dropped by Powell’s City of Books last night to say hello to Daniel Levitin and hear him talk about his new book, I Heard There Was a Secret Chord: Music as Medicine. I interviewed him in Tape Op #74 way back in 2009. There’s a lot of...
MySpace Drives Me Nuts - Facebook is Disturbing
by Larry Crane
Okay, so that's not the most original headline ever. I check the MySpace site once every 6 months and see old notes from friends about things that happened ages ago. Sorry. Oops. But what really drives me bat-shit is seeing ads like "Learn Audio...
So You're Broke and You expect the Music Biz to Provide an Income?
by Larry Crane
I've received a few pretty odd emails recently. I know times are tough, unemployment sucks, but really, expecting any sort of "bailout" from the music biz has got to be the most delusional crap I've come across. Making a living in music requires hard...
Free Devil-Loc Plug-In from Sound Toys!
by Larry Crane
At our Tape Op Party during SXSW last week the fine folks at Sound Toys announced and gave away a new plug-in - the Devil-Loc! You have to grab this before March 31, 2011. Act now! Go here for the free Devil-Loc Plug-in Sharing Code:...
Silver Sound's 3rd Annual Music Video Film Festival + Band Battle
by Larry Crane
Submissions are now being accepted for Silver Sound's 3rd Annual Music Video Film Festival + Band Battle, taking place on January 10th, 2012 at Brooklyn Bowl. Silver Sound is a studio in NY that provides production, post-production, and live sound...
What does Larry Crane really do all day?
by Larry Crane
Yup, I sit at my computer all day editing articles, writing stuff for the mag and answering the ridiculous amount of emails that always seep in over the course of a day. illus by Eva Kihl
Gear Update: Crane Song Avocet II Monitor Controller
by Geoff Stanfield
This may be the most indispensable tool in my studio. I hear people say that converters don't matter and that most cannot hear the difference. Bullsh*t! If you cannot accurately hear what you are doing you are making uninformed choices. They call...
Limited Time Offer: Software for Mac Studios
by Garrett Haines
Many Recording Studios use Apple OS-based machines. Those users know Macs can read Microsoft NFTS (New Technology File System) volumes, but not write to them. If your OSX studio needs to write to Windows NFTS, then you need a...