Jonathan Mann is the "song a day guy" of Songatron. Since January 1st 2009 he's posted a song and video a day. Septemeber 28th 2011 he'll have recorded 1000 songs. Wow. In June Nick Krill and Thomas Hughes of The Spinto Band joined up with Jonathan and did a month of live, interactive recording. Details are here. Sounds like it was fun, and I'm sorry that it took me until July to post about it. Gotta get my shit in line...
Tape Op Publisher's Studio Closing Down and Morphing into New Places
by Larry Crane
My best friend and business partner, John Baccigaluppi, is moving out of the old building that houses his studio The Hangar (along with his Tape Op office) and had been part of his life since 1990. I played on some of the earliest records from...