Larry's Comments on the Metallica Loudness Problem
by Larry Crane
You've probably heard stuff about the stupid-loud Metallica album. Idolator rang me up for some comments. Check it out.
You've probably heard stuff about the stupid-loud Metallica album. Idolator rang me up for some comments. Check it out.
This is a fascinating article about a brand new study in human auditory perception that is showing that there have been "naive" applications of mathematical formulas onto our understanding of human auditory perception. I cannot claim to...
Nice piece in the Detroit Free Press about audio and electronics guru Norman Druce who died October 6th....
Well, not my maker but the man behind the baby that is our RND5088 console at Jackpot! I got to spend a little time (and a photoshoot) with Rupert Neve at The Magic Shop in NYC during the AES convention last week. Thanks to Steve Rosenthal for...
Watch the latest episode of the Creative Recording With Tape Op series! Editor Larry Crane and Online Publisher Geoff Stanfield dig into the idea of keeping it simple. Episode made possible with support from Earthworks Audio. Be...
Subconscious Auditory Effects (SAE) is a term I have cobbled together to encapsulate a broad range of phenomena in this barely-studied field of inquiry. An SAE is any measurable effect on a person caused by a sound, or change in sound, that is...
Dear Tape Op reader:Some folks might not know how inextricably connected Tape Op editor Larry Crane's recording studios have been to the history of Tape Op Magazine. His first home studio, Laundry Rules, was in a Portland basement at 33rd and...
I finally figured out what makes for a successful tracking session: simply eliminate the variables. On one level this could be seen as pre-production combined with concise decision making. Certainly those can help - but what I'm talking about is...
Jonathan Mann is the "song a day guy" of Songatron. Since January 1st 2009 he's posted a song and video a day. Septemeber 28th 2011 he'll have recorded 1000 songs. Wow. In June Nick Krill and Thomas Hughes of The Spinto Band joined up with...