Bob Johnston live interview in Montreal October 2nd
by Larry Crane
Our pal Howard Bilerman will be interviewing legendary producer Bob Johnston in Montreal coming up. Should be a real hoot!
Our pal Howard Bilerman will be interviewing legendary producer Bob Johnston in Montreal coming up. Should be a real hoot!
By Alex Maiolo I’m sure a lot of you are asking “who was Herb Deutsch and what does he have to do with rock n’ roll?” The short answer is sometimes it’s the people behind the scenes that change the course of...
Link here for a free pass to the 127th AES Convention in New York City, Oct. 9-12, for “Exhibits Only” registration. Come on down and visit the Tape Op booth and harass us about missing issues or why we don't review your CDs or write...
Part One - by Larry Crane 1/13/04It's been snowing and frozen here in Portland for a week - not something this town is used to. Many businesses were shut down and traffic wasn't moving, even though it wasn't that much snow. I feel dumb as my town...
I pulled short straw and had to go pick up the take out tonight (take away for our UK readers). The radio was set to NPR, so I let it alone. The announcer introduced a new segment called “Listen to This,” that features famous musicians...
I just stumbled across an interview I forgot I did. Snarky answers and all. Man, I'm a jerk sometimes. All the time?
My pal Ethan Winer is half of the company Real Traps and hosts a page of all sorts of articles and information about acoustics and control rooms at this site: Real Traps One of my favorite pieces nearly ended up in Tape Op Magazine but after I...
Super producer T Bone Burnett has released The Other Side, a new album featuring guest performances from Lucius, Roseanne Cash, and Steven Soles. The album was recorded over a three week period and, is the last of a trilogy of albums, following...
I still listen to tons of music. I listen for work and I listen for pleasure. I listen for discovery. We are in an age where music is so readily available, in so many formats, that it’d be a shame not to take advantage of the plethora of...