At our Tape Op Party during SXSW last week the fine folks at Sound Toys announced and gave away a new plug-in - the Devil-Loc! You have to grab this before March 31, 2011. Act now!
Go here for the free Devil-Loc Plug-in
Sharing Code: 370-3994-964
At our Tape Op Party during SXSW last week the fine folks at Sound Toys announced and gave away a new plug-in - the Devil-Loc! You have to grab this before March 31, 2011. Act now!
Go here for the free Devil-Loc Plug-in
Sharing Code: 370-3994-964 is a newly published community base and informational resource for why Spotify is damaging to artists and to the music industry as a whole. Check out a centralized list of articles about the topic, and add your two cents to the growing...
Sometimes when artists release compilations of "bonus" tracks, or songs that were recorded for an album but were left off, it is quite obvious why. With Juana Molina's new EXHALO, this is not the case! Each track on this four song EP is...
The worldwide COVID-19 situation is affecting us all at this moment. Years ago I was a gigging musician and restaurant worker, and I feel I essentially still live a gig economy life - depending on Tape Op and studio bookings for personal income....
We sent intrepid reporter Jeorgia Anderson to cover this fascinating event. -LC When I read that the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) was holding their 45th annual conference in downtown Los Angeles May 11-14, I went to...
Yup, I sit at my computer all day editing articles, writing stuff for the mag and answering the ridiculous amount of emails that always seep in over the course of a day. illus by Eva Kihl
I've received a few pretty odd emails recently. I know times are tough, unemployment sucks, but really, expecting any sort of "bailout" from the music biz has got to be the most delusional crap I've come across. Making a living in music requires hard...
We had Rafiq Bhatia as a guest on our DISCussion podcast in June of 2023. His new release, a collaboration with pianist Chris Pattishall, Each Dream, A Melting Door, is a mind-melting work that pushes the boundaries of "jazz". It takes me back...
Dear Tape Op Readers, As you know many of our family, friends and colleagues on the East Coast have been hit hard by Hurricane Sandy last week. Led by Ken Bogdanowicz of Sound Toys, several of our advertisers have joined together to help raise...
Subconscious Auditory Effects (SAE) is a term I have cobbled together to encapsulate a broad range of phenomena in this barely-studied field of inquiry. An SAE is any measurable effect on a person caused by a sound, or change in sound, that is...