Many Tape Op readers likely can’t imagine that issue #1 was Xeroxed and hand-folded 28 years ago, but it was. People may think of us as DIY, but there’s a long history of so many helping this magazine be its best, beginning with friends who dropped by to collate and staple for free beers! Thanks to all the folks that have worked so hard with us, and to all the amazing subscribers out there! -LC
Tape Op is a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the art of record making.
Here is a list of some of the books on recording and music that we have added to the reading (or re-reading!) queue recently.
Are We Still Rolling?by Phill BrownGreat studio session stories about The Rolling Stones, Talk Talk, Hendrix, Led...
Via the Village Voice and meta-via Brooklyn Vegan comes the tragic news that the NYC recording studio operated by Daptone Records was burgled last night, with a remarkable amount of main brain Gabe Roth's vintage gear lost. Even... is a newly published community base and informational resource for why Spotify is damaging to artists and to the music industry as a whole. Check out a centralized list of articles about the topic, and add your two cents to the growing...
Every few years it seems time to give a brief explanation of how Tape Op Magazine "works." We constantly get letters from folks who are amazed that this magazine arrives to them for free. Well, it's actually very simple: you pay for...
Caro Snatch did this interesting online interview with Robert Henke from Monolake on her site. An interesting note is that he created this album, Silence, "without any compression." Well, yeah, uh, if you work in the box and want to draw/automate...
Larry Crane adds an update to Marc Alan Goodman's orginal review of the Burl B80 Mothership.
Marc Alan Goodman says in his original review, “It's rare to find a single piece of gear that elevates not only my entire...