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Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
Here's a guest spot from our pal Larry Devivo. It didn't quite fit a reply for Tape Op letters, but it's a great story and I wanted to share it. -LC There is a new microphone made called the Lucas CS-1. This mic is the brainchild of Terry Manning...
I’m normally not that into live albums, but Nils Frahm is not a normal musician. I saw him play live in 2018 when I interviewed him for Tape Op, and it was hard to believe that he was the only musician on stage. Blending electronic elements...
Video Release: James Supercave "Burn" What follows may be one of the best answers to the "So, how'd you guys meet?" question we have ever heard. Producer, engineer, and oft-recorded bassist (Black Keys, Ryan Adams, Norah Jones) Gus Seyffert was...
Larry Crane adds an update to Marc Alan Goodman's orginal review of the Burl B80 Mothership. Marc Alan Goodman says in his original review, “It's rare to find a single piece of gear that elevates not only my entire...
I've interviewed and enjoyed Alan Parsons' company a number of times over the years, and a while back he even cornered me at an AES conference and videotaped a quick interview about Tape Op. He claimed to be putting together a video about recording....
AES Chicago Section June 2011 Meeting Notice Please forward this notice to interested friends and colleagues. Members and nonmembers are welcome. Not a member of the AES? For information about joining. The next meeting of the Chicago Section...
We are excited to announce Creative Recording With Tape Op. This video series covers a wide range of recording and mixing topics, concepts, and solutions. We look forward to sharing these conversations with you in the coming weeks and months, but...
Rochester, NY’s The Chesterfield Kings have been leading their own garage rock revival since the late ‘70s. The new LP, We're Still All The Same, was recorded at Fab Gear Studios in Rochester, NY, and produced by Ed Stasium (Tape Op...
THE GREAT BRITISH RECORDING STUDIOS Howard Massey, an excellent author and recording engineer, is putting together what should be an important book on the British record studio scene of the sixites and seventies. If you were involved in this...