Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC!
CLICK HERE to get your free badge courtesy of Tape Op!
Looking forward to seeing many of you at this year's AES convention in NYC!
CLICK HERE to get your free badge courtesy of Tape Op!
James Beaudreau is a former member of the Billy Nayer Show (1998-2003) and started Workbench Recordings - a netlabel, blog, and recording studio in NYC. They release one track every Tuesday along with artwork and texts about the creative process,...
I just bought the crazy app for my iPhone by Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers called Bloom. It creates, or allows you to create, ambient type music on your iPhone or iPod touch. It's well thought out and a blast to mess with. It's nice to see people...
Just a quick note about the upcoming Audio Engineering Society (AES) convention in Los Angeles. We have arranged for all Tape Op readers to receive a free Exhibits Plus Badge to the convention. This badge is good for the Exhibition PLUS all...
"I sent a package to you several months ago containing some music I asked you to evaluate for me. I respect your background and was hoping that you personally might allow for cutting out a spare hour to do me this favor. Since I never heard from you...
When we ran a page featuring senior contributor Garrett Haines' "Building Troubleshooting Skills" in Tape Op #84 I never expected to get the kind of replies we did below. The Letters section for upcoming issues was too full, so I'm posting these...
When I was younger and flat broke, I was offered a place to stay in my friends' house. It was a room in an old, unfinished basement, and I thought it'd be nice to have some walls. Being without funds to hire anyone, I decided I could probably...
Everyone has been talking about Dave Grohl's new documentary Sound City a lot lately. That's cool; it's a fun romp of a movie, even if Dave can't decide whether he's making a film about a Neve console, a dying studio, a rock star jam session or an...
During this year's SXSW music festival someone asked me how many times I'd been to Austin, Texas, for this event. I had no idea. Eight? Ten? Since the mid-'90s I've certainly attended many times, most as a panelist, but always as a music fan. And...