Tape Op Clothing!
by Larry Crane
Yup, we're finally back on track with clothing here at the US branch of Tape Op. Check it all out, plus back issues, at Good Mountain, our new supplier of direct mail order goodies for Tape Op.
Yup, we're finally back on track with clothing here at the US branch of Tape Op. Check it all out, plus back issues, at Good Mountain, our new supplier of direct mail order goodies for Tape Op.
A band I work with is two weeks away from their release date. They've worked tirelessly to prepare for this release, hired an excellent publicist, shot videos, toured....they've done it all right and without fatigue. That record is the most...
Remember Henry Hirsch from issue ? He's moved locations yet again, and his new studio (in Hudson, NY) looks fabulous. Check it out here. An unreal space and an amazing engineer/producer.
This past September, I attended the inaugural A3Exchange in Boston and had one of the most enjoyable conference experiences in years. A small team of forward thinkers, under the leadership of Paul Sitar, is putting together an "exchange" for...
Hipper music bloggers than you're likely to ever find here have been freaking out over surrealist hip hop duo Das Racist for a while now, ever since the Pineapple Express rap tune "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell" came out earlier this year. Even...
Larry caught up with Manny Marroquin at Studio La Fabrique in France during a Mix With The Masters session.
Lots of laptops use an accelerometer to detect that the computer is falling. When that happens, the computer parks the hard drive heads to prevent them from bouncing on the HD platter. Apple calls this the Sudden Motion Sensor. On...
This looks to be an interesting event. I'd go if I was in the area that week! -Larry ASSOCIATION FOR RECORDED SOUND COLLECTIONS 45th Annual Conference - May 11-14, 2011 Wilshire Grand Hotel, Los Angeles One hundred and thirty...
Here is a list of some of the books on recording and music that we have added to the reading (or re-reading!) queue recently. Are We Still Rolling?by Phill BrownGreat studio session stories about The Rolling Stones, Talk Talk, Hendrix, Led...