A Studio that Looks like a pile of logs?
by Larry Crane
Check this joint out. Wow! Thanks to Alex Maiolo for the link!
Check this joint out. Wow! Thanks to Alex Maiolo for the link!
Wall Street PR reports on the woes of Avid, the company behind Pro Tools. What does the future hold? I'm just terrified of having to learn a new platform, buying more gear and software, and there not being a de facto DAW standard for professional...
Some Tape Op readers started this site/podcast some time back. More home recorded music. -LC "creot radio is produced by an international collective of independent artists. shows are recorded by individual hosts and are intended to reflect the...
By Pete Droge Recently, I unearthed a cassette tape from a box labeled "late 90s." The spine read "Warren Pash at Got Wheels." The tape contained two Pash originals I produced, engineered, and mixed: "Blue River" and "Bones & Stones." ...
Eddie Ashworth dropped me a line about the work he and many other scholars are doing with the Art of Record Production folks. Be sure to read The Journal for the Art of Record Production online. It's densely full of articles, interviews, reviews...
Don't forget, if you happen to be in Austin next week for some big music even, like SXSW or something, that we're throwing a kick-ass party at the Lucky Lounge from 2-6 pm on March 15th, Thursday. Okay? RSVP HERE!
Well known producer/engineer Roger Nichols is currently battling cancer, and we send him our best hopes and thoughts. Please visit his website. George at MIX Mag had this to say: ROGER NICHOLS NEEDS YOUR...
I opened my commercial recording studio (Jackpot! Recording) in 1997, after years of simultaneously having a busy home studio while working day jobs to pay the rent. Making this leap to a full-time recording engineer/studio owner was terrifying. I...