Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
Get Your Free Pass to AES in NYC on Tape Op!
The 129th AES Convention takes place Nov 4-7, and the Exhibitor's Hall is open Nov 5-7, where we'll be sitting patiently at a table giving away Tape Op magazines to passers by and answering questions about where the bathrooms are located and...
Caro Snatch did this interesting online interview with Robert Henke from Monolake on her site. An interesting note is that he created this album, Silence, "without any compression." Well, yeah, uh, if you work in the box and want to draw/automate...
Hello Friends of Tape Op! We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface? Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in BundleArturia Studio and Plug-Ins
This past September, I attended the inaugural A3Exchange in Boston and had one of the most enjoyable conference experiences in years. A small team of forward thinkers, under the leadership of Paul Sitar, is putting together an "exchange" for...
Ringo Starr rings in the new year with the T Bone Burnett-produced album, Look Up. The collection stands firmly in the Americana realm, and just like it did when he sang the country tinged/rockabilly tunes "Act Naturally," "Honey Don't," and "I...
My pals have finally lost their minds. Apparently they wore blue ribbons to the Grammy Awards last week in protest of the use of Auto-Tune, and specifically mentioned Kanye West's new album, 808s & Heartbreak. Okay guys, I'm thinking of asking for a...
Our pal Ronan Chris Murphy does this cool "TV" show on his site,, and the most recent one is with me and John Baccigaluppi where we talk about Tape Op Magazine. I think it's a good insight into how the mag works and who...
Check out the latest gear giveaways from our advertisers and enter to win! Retro Intruments 500 Pre Giveaway! Enter to Win a 500PRE Here! Audix Mics and Headphones Giveaway! Enter to Win Audix Mics and Headphones! Baby...
Get your FREE passes to AES 2018 in NYC HERE!