Hello Friends of Tape Op!
We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface?
Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in Bundle
Arturia Studio and Plug-Ins
Hello Friends of Tape Op!
We have some fantasic gear giveaways happening right now. Who doesn't need a bundle of excellent plug-ins or a new interface?
Eventide Elevate Mastering Plug-in Bundle
Arturia Studio and Plug-Ins
It's not Idol, technically, but America's Got Talent and its dentally-impaired overseas cousin are still franchises helmed by Simon Cowell, who I think we can all agree has become somewhat of a figurehead for shitty pop music and...
Nilüfer Yanya’s LP Painless was one of my faves of 2022 with its blend of guitar based songwriting, her unique singing voice, and forward leaning production and arrangements. I’m pretty over the Roland Jazz Chorus guitar tones, but...
Tape Op contributor and studio owner/engineer/producer Mike Caffrey recently sent me some thoughts he had about visitors to the studio during sessions. See issue 73’s upcoming end rant for the origins of this piece. -LC I always tell...
Check out the new episode from our Creative Recording With Tape Op series! Larry and Geoff discuss the best place to spend your hard earned cash when starting a studio. This episode made possible with support from our friends at...
CASE ONE: Many years ago I was sent a very complex piece of recording equipment to review. It basically performed one simple function; but its inherent design was the concept that every parameter could be adjusted. Some similar devices I already...
April 15th marks the 25th anniversary of Tape Op Magazine! To mark the occasion, Tape Op founder and editor Larry Crane is making a series of short videos talking about the journey of the mag and some of the memories had along the...
I'm about to write something that at first will seem like another gray-beard waxing nostalgic for a by-gone analog era. But, stick with me, because I think the tables are turning to where going analog might be as forward-thinking as it gets. Let's...
This may be the most indispensable tool in my studio. I hear people say that converters don't matter and that most cannot hear the difference. Bullsh*t! If you cannot accurately hear what you are doing you are making uninformed choices. They call...
Video Release: James Supercave "Burn" What follows may be one of the best answers to the "So, how'd you guys meet?" question we have ever heard. Producer, engineer, and oft-recorded bassist (Black Keys, Ryan Adams, Norah Jones) Gus Seyffert was...